We help now

Information for Helpers

The website wirhelfenjetzt.rlp.de offers information on emergencies in Rhineland-Palatinate, for helpers that don’t belong to an organization.

We (Entwicklungsagentur Rheinland-Pfalz) inform you about a lot that you have to know in case of helping – well explained in a comprehensive and coherent way, regardless of whether you want to help alone or with others. The content is available in two forms: To watch as an explanatory video and to read as text or graphics.

If you want to stay up to date during your assignment, bookmark our website on your phone and follow us on these social media channels:

This website is available in German, English, and Turkish. Within the videos, you can also switch between German, English, and Turkish subtitles.


How to protect yourself

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

The videos show this

In several explanatory videos, we illustrate what is important when helping. Regardless of whether you want to help alone or with others.

Turn on the sound! And then: Roll the movie.

How to protect others

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

Help on cold days

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

Legal obligation to provide first aid

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

Help on hot days

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

Dealing with stress and overload

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

Social media and other media

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.

The YouTube video is activated by clicking or touching it. This transmits data to the provider. To the privacy policy.